
Wiki Article

Greetings! Rhoda is my name. I'm an author and content creator. You may be wondering how I got my start in this field - well, it all started with my love for the written word. In elementary school, my teacher caught me writing a book in class. Needless to mention, my teacher was not thrilled with the idea, but it was just the beginning for me as a writer. Since then, I've worked in various industries and have contributed to various publications. Now I am sharing stories, and creating content on this website. What can you say? It's been quite an exciting ride! So thanks for stopping by and taking the time Reviews to read my bio. Now go take a look around - there's plenty more where this came from.

buddies of mine

Harry Moseby Confidential
Mondo 70: A Wild World of Cinema
Kerry Kate's October Effigies
More Blockbusters

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